Mr. George Klein
January 6, 1855 - December 26, 1932
The outstanding record of Mr. George Klein, former Elder and choir member, cannot be erased from the memories of our congregation. When God called him to a higher service on December 26, 1932, at the age of 77 years, Mr. Klein left an imprint on the life of the church he loved which is still plainly visible...
The son of Martin and Catherine Herold Klein, George was born at Eubingheim, Baden, Germany on January 6, 1855, and came to the United States in 1872. He soon became identified with the German Reformed Church of Lima, and as a young man joined the choir and was elected to the consistory. He was a member of the Building Committee for the 1887 church edifice. For almost 60-years he was a faithful member of the choir...and served as Elder of the consistory for about 40-years. Klein's devotion to his duties was unparalleled and he would give much attention to the sick. Often serving as a delegate to the Synod, he was also active in the Men's Bible Class of the Sunday School.
In a resolution adopted by the consistory on January 9, 1933, after his departure, it is recited:
"The congregation will be lonesome without him. He gave to his church the best labor of his heart. In expressing our sympathy in the church's loss, we pray that the youth of the congregation may imitate his steadfastness, his faithfulness, and his loyalty to the cause of Christianity..."
(Information from the First E&R 100th Anniversary booklet)