February 22, 2013

Next Door to God's House

     During the days of itinerant Preachers, traveling miles by horseback to the communities they served, it was a brave venture for the fledgling congregation to construct a small wood frame parsonage in 1876. Reverend C.F. Waldecker was the first Pastor to occupy the house.
     In 1921, during the Pastorate of Rev. Tillman W. Hoernemann, a modern brick structure was built at the cost of $17,000.


     The Parsonage was home to First E&R Pastors and their families throughout the decades until 1984. Seen here in 1987, before the dwelling was demolished that year.     

Home is where the "Hearth" is...

Reverend Reuben J. Schroer
Our 11th Pastor

The Schroer Family
Hilda, Hal, Corinne, and Rev. Schroer
(left to right) 

(Seated by the fireplace in the Parsonage)

February 3, 2013

The Beginning & The End

I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the First and the Last, 
the Beginning and the End...
(Revelation 22:13 NIV)