One of the many early societies in our church was The King's Daughters,
formed on October 11, 1890 as the Sunday School class of Mrs. F.G. Steuber met in her home intending to organize a Mission Band. This group later joined The National King's Daughters (established 1892); paying annual dues, supporting worthy charitable causes both locally and across the country.
Pictured below are First E&R Daughters who served our Heavenly Father.
Front Row (left to right)-
Millie Ward, Clara Zimmerman-Means, Bertha Hoffman, Anna Waltz
Second Row-
Mamie Zimmerman, Barbara Schulz-Deaubler, Miss Hattie Ramseyer, Eva Dickman, Mayme Remalay
Third Row-
Susan Hocker, Anna Klein, Amelia Griebling, Katherine Armbush, Sophia Deaubler-Reed,
Katherine Feighert, Anna Sonntag
(photo courtesy Mrs. E.L. Snook)
We have several pocket-sized booklets in our archives dating from the late 1920's thru mid 1950's documenting the activities and social programs of their monthly meetings; various Committees such as Membership, Kitchen, Entertainment, Sewing; tending to the sick and needy. During the winter months they provided flowers each week to beautify the sanctuary for the worship service.
The National King's Daughters Motto
"Look up, not down,
Look forward, not back,
Look out, not in,
Lend a hand."
-Edward Everett Hale
(Although it is not certain when this group of ladies disbanded at our church,
The International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons is a thriving global organization.)