"...We will not neglect the House of the Lord..." (Nehemiah 10:39)
Henry Stutzman was never forefront in our congregation. He never served on the Consistory, taught a Sunday School class, or sang in the choir. But Henry took great care of the Lord's House as our custodian from 1938 to 1945.
Henry was small in physical stature, softspoken with a slight German accent; a gentle spirit with a sweet smile. Brought to America as an infant, he was born in Baden, Germany.
Rolls first show Mr. & Mrs. Henry (Mary) Stutzman as members in 1926. Although he was a foundry worker, he & his wife tithed generously. Mary died in 1932.
On January 1, 1938, Henry Stutzman became our custodian, and the church literally became his home. His "apartment" consisted of a cot-sized bed, a small radio on a little table, and a comfortable chair in the furnace room area. His little bit of cooking was done in the church kitchen. It was assumed the galvanized tub hanging on the wall of the furnace room doubled as his bathtub and sink, for he and his clothes were always clean and neat.
His "apartment" was cool in the summer and warm in winter, where Henry was always there to stoke the old coal furnace. Besides sweeping, dusting, scrubbing and general cleaning, Henry planted flowers around the church and parsonage in the spring. And shoveled snow in the winter. He was perfectly content taking care of God's House. His annual salary was $90.
Rev. Paul Graeser and his family lived in the parsonage next door, along with other church members in the neighborhood. Often they would cook "extra" for dinner, then invited Henry. Being a shy man, he would usually politely decline their offers. Taking the left-overs back to his place, Henry preferred eating alone.
The children adored Henry and were thrilled watching him ring the church bell. He would pull the rope, then hang on as it lifted him high off the floor. The children laughed...and so did Henry!
Henry worked until his death on February 14, 1945. He was 63.
With tears in his eyes, Rev. Graeser officiated the funeral which was held in the church that Henry loved.
Henry Stutzman rests peacefully in Memorial Park Cemetery.
(from an article written by VaLaire Orchard; 2008)